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Zoya Ornate Holiday Collection Preview

25 Sep

Hey guys! I have some more exciting news to share with you today. For one, I’ve been doing a little more on my blog today and added a ‘wishlist’ page as well as posting some stuff for the next 2 or 3 days.

I spent the entire day just browsing the web for swatches and just looking through different nail blogs and I found something on Zoya’s website. They are letting people preorder the Winter 2012/13 collection!

Wow look at those colors! They’re so gorgeous!

Electro- A full coverage, micro fine diamond holographic glitter with holographic bar tinsel mixed in.

Ziv- Full coverage gold foil with micro diamond particles.

Storm- Holiday black with lots of micro holo glitter.

Aurora- Cool undertone plum with micro diamond holographic glitter. (My favorite so far!)

Logan-  (forest?) green sparkly foil finish.

Blaze- Looks like a darkened fushia/pink with micro holo glitter.

You can preorder the whole collection right here. I’m not sure if I’ll preorder it soon or maybe just wait for it to come out, but I’m pretty sure I’ll get all of them… They’ll be out in stores in October. Yay!